Saturday, 16 January 2010

Falling in love with...........

Tamagotchi ID -- color version!
£55 - £65 each
I really want to buy this one. Unfortunately it is ONLY in Japanese, a bit disappointing. Though I think perhaps getting one of these may enhance my Japanese Language learning experience. LOL, Bull shit, that is the only one good reason for me to spend £60 on this tiny gadget!

Another phone to kill for! I am dying to get my hands on this sexy gadget. I have the thing for phones, and this sexy gadget will cost me about £530! I am sure many of you out there would drool over this SEXY SEXY SONY XPERIA X10! I really do wish I got the money for it. Or someone out there, do SPEND your money on me!

I got nothing much to share to be honest! I just want these... at the moment and have been thinking about it... a l l day long! x